In the aftermath of a devastating tragedy, the Tangle family finds solace in the art of keeping secrets. Memories are locked away, hidden from the world as the sisters embark on their own separate journeys. Callie vanishes without a trace, Mimi immerses herself in busyness to avoid confronting her pain, and Ginger develops a deep-rooted fear of taking risks that threatens to destroy her closest relationships.
But when an inadvertent comment is overheard by Ginger's rebellious teenage daughter, the carefully constructed web of lies begins to unravel. Forced to confront a long-held family secret, Ginger's world is turned upside down. With the passing of Glory, the vibrant matriarch of the family, and the unexpected return of Callie, who had been estranged for years, Ginger sets out to uncover the truth about that fateful day when darkness loomed over four carefree siblings playing on the sun-drenched shores of Martha's Vineyard.
As Ginger delves into her past, she not only discovers the truth but also finds the key to reconciling with her mother, her sisters, and her daughter. Sisters One, Two, Three is an emotionally charged tale that will tug at your heartstrings, tickle your funny bone, and leave you with a sense of hope. It explores not only the consequences of keeping secrets, even when motivated by love, but also the strength and bravery required to speak the truth, forgive, and let go. So settle in, listen closely, and prepare yourself for a roller coaster of emotions as Nancy Star, masterfully narrated by Cassandra Campbell, takes you on a journey you won't soon forget.
Audiobook Rating: 2.6/5. Length: Approximately 11 hours and 12 minutes.