In this heart-pounding thriller, an embittered and disillusioned policeman plunges headfirst into the depths of vengeance, aiming to wring justice from a society he perceives as unjust. As we dive into this gripping tale, we join the retired Detective Superintendent Jeffrey Brandt as he delves into a menacing game of life and death. Although he stabs a woman, his desire for retribution compels him to spare her life. However, frustration seeps into his veins when he realizes no one truly pays attention. Enveloped in determination, he raises the stakes, deciding that the next victim will not survive.
Brandt possesses a deep understanding of police procedure. Exploiting this knowledge, he orchestrates a vile game, reveling in the twisted pleasure of writing the rules himself. Despite leaving behind immaculate crime scenes and hiding his every step, the unmistakable essence of Brandt lingers within each gruesome killing. Tasked with unraveling his elusive identity, we follow the fast-thinking and unyielding DCI Stella Johnson as she accepts the sinister challenge thrust upon her. Yet, even if she unveils the killer's true face, what choices will she make when he always seems to be one step ahead? Engrossed in this mortal battle of wits, the question remains: who will emerge victorious in this treacherous hunt?
Narrated by the captivating voice of Chris Macdonnell, this audiobook fully immerses listeners in the gripping tale of darkness and retribution. Offering an unsettling and enthralling experience, Denver Murphy takes us on a thrilling journey spanning 7 hours and 27 minutes. As the hands of time tick away, listeners are kept on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the resolution of this high-stakes clash between predator and prey.
With an audiobook rating of 3/5, this chilling tale promises to captivate and disturb audiences in equal measure. So, tune in, listen closely, and prepare to be ensnared within the twisted mind of Detective Superintendent Jeffrey Brandt. But beware, for in this devilish game, there's no guarantee of escape.